One of the things motherhood has given me is poor memory. There seems to be no definitive scientific data that says that pregnancy causes memory loss. People just say that a pregnant mother is tired and her mind is full of other things and it is okay to forget a few things.

For the past three years I have been waiting for my memory to return to its usual glory, but looks like my forgetfulness has nothing to do with pregnancy or kids!

I forget people’s names. I forget what I am saying in the middle of the sentence. Sometimes I dial a phone number and forget whose number I dialed and then I hold the phone trying to guess the person’s name from the voice I hear. Considering how bad I am at recognizing voices over the phone, that is always a sham. I have forgotten diapers, forgotten wipes, few times I have forgotten to carry toddler’s milk (when she was drinking milk and I had the strength and time force her to drink milk), few weeks back I forgot to take infant’s oatmeal cereal and had to do some quick fix to save the situation. I make a trip to grocery store and forget what I am supposed to buy. So I make a list of things I need and forget to take the list. In our recent trip India I forgot so many things so many times that I had “memory police” all around me. Anywhere I am supposed to leave, my MIL will update me what exactly needs to be done and what I am supposed to carry. Either MIL or SILs will call me every now and them to make sure that I haven’t forgotten what ever I was supposed to remember.

Yesterday was the tops. We called friends home for tea. They came, we talked for couple of hours and they left. Few minutes after they left I remember that I forgot give them tea 🙁