Sorry for the long absence. Thanks to all those who sent concerned emails and comments. I had my finals in the last week of July. Then house guests – my aunt visited (I totally took advantage of her being here, camped on the couch and made her do all the cooking and cleaning!). Just after she left, Chula and Mieja fell sick – common cold, but lots and lots of throwing up. Even before the Chula recovered from the cold, she came down with a stomach thing. She was throwing up even water. She is still on non-dairy, bland food and she is already on round two of cold. Yep, she is moving on! I am just keeping my fingers crossed that Mieja doesn’t pick up the stomach bug. It wasn’t just work, I did get my share of fun in the middle of all this! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – read it from cover to cover! I would have liked to revise The Half Blood Prince before I read Deathly Hallows, but, hey, I am not complaining. 🙂