Okay, for the past year I have been reading about bloggers meeting (here, here, here and here). The whole excitement behind such a meet is people who have met online and have formed a mental picture of a person, meeting in person. Then the actual image is cross checked with the mental picture and necessary corrections are made. Some times people hit it off in person too.

We had a different kind of meet yesterday. People who have been friends and are blogging now met at my place for dinner. Yaadayaada, Boo, Sundar, DDMom. Valleyblogzine had to cancel out in the last minute, otherwise we would have been a grand number of six. We hobnobbed and gossiped over blog world happenings over a scrumptious dinner (for which I cannot take any credit!). People offered to bring food and I ended up making just the appetizer and dessert.

The highlights of the meet:

  • FOOD, FOOD, FOOD – no question about that!
  • Anju read books to Chula and Mieja. She even took the time to hug and papmer Mieja. She is such an angel.
  • The minute DDMom’s D entered the house, Chula and Mieja ran to her yelling and screaming.
  • Mieja threatening all the kids, especially the ones older than her. The kids were building Leggo and Mieja would casually walk by them and knock down whatever they had built. So after some time, the minuet she turned towards the other kids, they started screaming, ‘Mieja is coming… Mieja is coming…’ and started to form a protective ring around their work. If possible they would have built a moat and let a few alligators loose in the moat to keep Mieja away!
  • Chula tried reaching for something at the bottom of the toy box and landed in to the toy box! Just her little legs were jutting out and she was kicking them wildly and shouted enough to bring the roof down. Hey, no judgements on my mothering qualities, we pulled the little devil out and what is the next thing she does? Repeats the same thing again!
  • D and Chula decided that sitting inside the toy box is lots of fun. So they dumped the toys out and squeezed in to the toy box and were giggling away to glory. Mieja wanted to be a part of the fun, so she decided to get in to the toy box the only way she knew. Head in first, legs swinging wildly in the air.
  • A friend’s 10 year old son sang a bajan. All the kids dropped whatever they were doing, sat down and listened patiently to the whole song. D and Chula came in to the group with a toy drum and xylophone respectively, trying to accompany the boy. After their mothers gave them ‘the look’ + waving the index finger + that deep guttural ‘hhmmm’, they dropped the idea.
  • Mieja, is probably hearing for the very first time a person singing. No, me singing to the children cannot be considered singing. She didn’t bat an eyelid.
  • Oh, BTW, we are having another meet next week! 🙂