EDITED TO ADD: If you are wondering what this is all about, check this out.

Greetings wonderful MTBs!!!
and good work to all of you!
For having solved the riddle before
I give you all this clue.

The letter ” T “
Write it down, add it on…
And let’s move on to the next little song.

โ€œHer namesake searches for a mitr friend
She stays content with Baby Naren
Need to diet, ask her how
Tis easy come guess this one nowโ€

Solve it and you get your lead
Misguess, and you lose your speed
Solve it slow but solve it now
And before you go, take a little bow

Go to ‘Comments’ and leave me a clue
Tell me which blog you are off to.
Good luck! Good luck! Be on your way.
You have your work, cut out for the day!