Friends, thanks for keeping in touch. So many people regularly cheking for updates and enquiring why I went AWOL means a lot to me. I am grateful for all your support.

I am trying to move to a self hosted blog. The process is dragging on purely due to WordPress import issues supplemented by my inertia. Self imposed dead line to get the issues resloved – June 14th, 2008.

In the meanwhile, some updates from my side:

  •  I started working in the new place from May 26th, 2008. To say that the new job is stressful would be an understatement of the century. It is physically intense, I do about 100 lunges and an equal number of squats in one work day. ( Two words – Thundering Thighs. Hulk image would go great with my banyan tree green 🙂 ) As a result of all this, I drop dead by the time the clock hits 8.30PM.
  • Six weeks of intense summer school starts June 16th. 9.00AM – 1.00PM work all five days, 5.00PM – 10.00PM evening classes four days a week…..its going be one crazy ride. The sole goal for the next six weeks will be to survive with miminum impact on the tots I will be servicing…oh, and of course not to doze off in the middle of the class. I already have nightmares that I forget to turn in an assignment and the teacher makes me stand up on the bench in front of the whole class.
  • The kids are doing great. Mieja turned two end of last month. She is one naughty bunny. Her latest trend is waving her index finger and threatening people around her, ‘Odhai koduppen’ or ‘amma kathuva’. Means ‘Be careful, I will hit you’ and ‘My mom will yell at you’ respectively. Chula is turning her tricycle 90 degress, turning the pedal with her hands and is claiming that she is recycling. The mothers and daughters lock swords every now and then. But what is life without all this? Huh?

PS: MNAmma, thanks for the award. Thats super nice of you.