PV requested a Eric Carle quiz and here it goes.

-There are FOUR Eric Carle books. You have to find ALL four.

-There is a clue for EVERY word in the title of the book.

Example:  Yesterday would be too soon, tomorrow would be too early, something in between (= TODAY) ; First half of DESI in reverse(= IS); Second day of the week(= MONDAY). Name of the book = TODAY IS MONDAY.

-Do not expect the title  words to be in order. Decipher each word and from the 19 words, unscramble the four titles.

-Quiz closes July 28, Wed, 4.00PM PST. First person to list ALL FOUR titles, wins. First one to get ALL FOUR wins.

-Result will be posted July 29, Thursday, 4.00AM PST, latest.

(1) They dropped the why.

(2) A short line.

(3) Not unsaid.

(4) Thorough blending, in the past.

(5) Not a very fast adverb.

(6) My pronoun.

(7) 59 of its species exists in Madagascar.

(8) Famous movie with this dialogue.

Person1: Hey, let’s play a game. It’s called “see who can be quiet the longest.”

Person2: Cool! My mom loves that game!

(9) Teeny weeny.

(10) _____, set, go.

(11) One of the seven deadly sins, according to the Christian moral tradition.

(12) She _____________ ate her food.

(13) If you are texting or tweeting you would just type 4.

(14) Definitely an article.

(15) One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

(16) One of the magic words.

(17) Particular, three letter, article.

(18) If in tamil, a small baby girl will respond to this. In few other languages a small child will use this to address an adult.

(19) Think blogs: tag____________

(1) They dropped the why. = The
(2) A short line. = Hyphen mark ()
(3) Not unsaid. = Said
(4) Thorough blending, in the past. = Mixed
(5) Not a very fast adverb. = Slowly
(6) My pronoun. = Me
(7) 59 of its species exists in Madagascar= Chameleon
(8) Famous movie with this dialogue = Up
Person1: Hey, let’s play a game. It’s called “see who can be quiet the longest.”
Person2: Cool! My mom loves that game!
(9) Teeny weeny. = Little
(10) _____, set, go. = Get
(11) One of the seven deadly sins, according to the Christian moral tradition. = Sloth
(12) She _____________ ate her food. = Slowly
(13) If you are texting or tweeting you would just type 4.= For
(14) Definitely an article. = The
(15) One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. = Moon
(16) One of the magic words. = Please
(17) Particular, three letter, article. = The
(18) If in tamil, a small baby girl will respond to this. In few other languages a small child will use this to address an adult. = Papa
19) Tag ……= Cloud (a tag cloud is a collection of tags)

The books are
Papa Please Get The Moon For Me
The Mixed-Up Chameleon
Slowly Slowly Said The Sloth
Little Cloud

PV wins the quiz. Chox, Sandhya, good try 🙂
PV, please pick one of the following books. That is going to be the award 🙂

Help! Help! (Kapathunga Kapathunga), Tulika English-Tamil bilingual picture book.
or Best Friends(Nalla Nanbargal), Tulika English-Tamil bilingual picture book.