27 Jan 2014
Found the paper below when I was cleaning up after a play date.
The children had been playing doctor-doctor and the my first born had written this ‘detailed’ prescription.
Yes. This has been our life since Oct. First born sick – younger one sick – husband sick – younger one sick – younger one sick – younger one sick again – I am sick – younger one sick – younger one still sick – younger one hospitalized – younger one on antibiotics but out of the hospital and is still sick – first born sick – I am sick – first born falls and tears a ligament and leg in cast – younger one sick – I am sick…..I swear none of this is exaggeration! This truly is the number of times we fell sick between Oct – Dec last year. Hopefully the new year is good.
5 Responses for "P Is For Prescription"
Ouch! I hope the new year is good to you and your family 🙂 **Hugs*
UTBT SAYS: Thanks.
Phew. Hope your quota of falling ill for the next 5 years is over. Bugs, shoo, go away.
Trying to boost immunity thus –
1. Manuka Honey 10+ 1 spoon every morning
2. echinecea drops – 2-3 drops in half cup water every 2-3 days
3. Lemon+honey warm water every so often
4. Steam inhalation – as soon as the first sign of falling ill appear
5. Warm water gargles – twice everyday after morning/night teethbrush
UTBT SAYS: 1, 5 we do. But the time and energy it takes to get this done….GOD!
ouch sounds painful. Looks like 2013 has made you stronger. Here’s to a healthier 2014.
UTBT SAYS: Thanks.
That’s a lot. Wishing you a healthier 2014. And those prescriptions look very authentic. 🙂 Blood group AB + ?
UTBT SAYS: Yes that is her blood group. Thanks.
nice list chox gave you…
not on the lazy mum’s book of survival, though.
chox! how much activity do you pack per minute?
utbt — are you okay?
UTBT SAYS: Yes, yes, barely 🙂
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