One small step for mankind, one giant leap for infant.
Did I tell you folks? Infant took her first step, all by herself, without holding on to anything last Wednesday (May 30, 2007). She is discovering that she can scale new heights and I am realizing that I can’t keep calling her infant as is pitter pattering to toddler-dom with those little feet.

I am daddy’s girl.
She seems to prefer her dad to me. You must look at her when hubby is in the house. She just trails behind him wherever he goes. I am noticing this preference only in the past two months. Before that both infant and toddler used to compete for my attention. But of late, looks like infant has given up and switched loyalties to hubby. 🙁 This is so not fair.

Keyword activated….
She has been waving goodbye and has been clapping for quite some time now. But it is all keyword activated. I would be on the phone talking to some one and I would say ‘bye’ and hang up. Infant would be around me sitting and playing by herself, her radar will pick up the word ‘bye’ and automatically she would start waving her hands. She did the same for clapping. Whenever she heard some one clapping or the word clap uttered anywhere in her vicinity she would start clapping. Now the recent action is for kissing. When she sees/hears smooching, she takes her right palm to her mouth, sucks a big gulp of air and pulls her hand away from her mouth and smiles a big smile.

Five teeth and counting
I can see four in the upper jaw and one in the lower jaw, all this is in 2-3 weeks. I think there is more coming because she is itching to chew on something all the time.
And the drool….oh. May be I will rename her bubbles or bubbli from now on!

She loves them, can’t get enough of them. Don’t jump to conclusions that she is a huge reader, she like the way books taste. In tamil, they have a term, “Karachu kudikaradhu” (literal translation – to dissolve and drink, meaning with refernce to context – to master something), that’s what this one is doing! If at all she reads books, she insists that the book is upside down. If we turn it the right way for her, she gets mad. She waves her hands wildly, utters a loud ‘mmmmmmmmm’ an turns it back upside down.