4 Sep 2007
…that Chula is potty trained!!! 😀 😀 😀
Well there are still some stray accidents (especially if she happens to be watching TV) and last friday, at her day care, she refused to get on the pot. But….I think she is ready.
Yesterday we went to a park with three other friends. We were there for 5 hours. She surprised by coming to me to tell that she needed to pee, held it in till I ran with her in my arms to the rest room and did her business where it is supposed to be done. Not once, not twice, but thrice folks. I now know how Edmund Hillary must have felt when he reached the top of Everest!!!
Proudest mom ever 😀 😀
21 Responses for "I here by declare…."
Yippee yay! Well done Chula and well done Mom!
Yeeeaay! Happy news indeed. If she passed the aprk test, the she is definitely potty trained. 😉 Congrats!
woo-hoo!! fantastic!
so now that you have passed with flying colors, may I please send a 23mo to you so you may PT him too? 🙂
Congratulations to you and Chula! I know that feeling! You have a very good reason to be proud of!
yaaa hoooooo! Now thats something to be proud of! God job mommy!
Hugs to chula 🙂
Yaaayy !!! Congratulations to Chula and to the proud momma.
ThankQ, ThankQ, ThankQ guys. That show Chula thanks us now a days!
Wow, thats great.. Congrats
Great newz! congrats!!! now could you do a post on how it was achieved??!!!! I haven’t a clue how to go about it!
1 down, 1 to go.
Yoohoo congrats.. I’m doing a final roundup of all my favorite bloggers before I leave on my trip. Happy to hear this news !!!
yoo bin tagged!
Congrats! I have some more time to go.
Yay! I know the feeling girl!!
You should gi8ve ger a treat for being such a good baby!
That must be a huge relief! Congratulations! Blog-hopped into your territory – will be back for more.
Whooooooh ..Congrats to Mommy and then to Chula ..how old is she exactly ?
Meija is tagged!
Tagged my dear! 😉
I just finished K’s mom’s tag. Got tags from Tharini(2), choxbox and Swati to go!
Swati, Chula is 32 months. I have ageticker for the children in the about section. Not the best place. You readers got to suggest a better place for the tickers, may be a separate page?
Mystic M, welcome.
NM, she already got some yummy icecream, thats her treat.
Anitha, have fun till you get started on the madness.
Timepass, Krishnapriya, choxbox, Poppin’s mom, thanks.
That is so wonderful, hats off to both mommy and daughter…
Thanks Kiran 🙂
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